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Spring Cleaning: Part 1

Part One: If you don’t use it, don’t like it, don’t wear it – DON’T KEEP IT!

spring-cleaning-jewelry-bostonSpring will be here in just a few weeks and if you’re in Boston like me, odds are it just can’t come soon enough! I really do enjoy the big “Spring Clean.” Shedding the heaviness of Winter in favor of the lightness of a new season just feels so liberating. If Spring cleaning is associated with back-breaking, OCD-driven toil in your mind, it shouldn’t be. Something as simple and easy as cleaning out your jewelry box will give you the same satisfaction, not to mention the added benefit of some extra cash in your pocket. What could be easier than sifting through your jewelry box while comfortably parked on your couch – you can even do it while watching your favorite show (or at least during the commercials). Grab that jewelry box, put it on the coffee table and go to town!

sell-jewelry-bostonFirst to go should be anything that is broken or otherwise damaged beyond repair. Next up are all those divorcee earrings (sad I know, but it’s time to let them go). Now you can move on to the trickier part: things you don’t wear. This requires some introspection and much honesty. Be realistic – even if you think it will come back in style, you know there will be an updated version you like more when it does. ( I’m not talking of course of collectible, signed costume jewelry, or heirloom quality fine jewelry- those are a different animal all together!). As you go through, separate into sections – gold, silver, costume, and not-sure. Now you need to decide what to do with all your purges. If you’re feeling generous, you can give some away to friends and family. Barring that, you should donate anything that is not gold or silver – I never throw jewelry away – if it’s wearable, someone will always be able to get use out of it – Dress for Success, for example, is always looking for interview and work-wear and I’ve heard that they are usually in need of nice accessories too. Gather up the remaining gold, silver, and mystery stuff and bring it all to your favorite jeweler to sell (get some tips on selling your jewelry here). There! All done! Now you can use that extra dough to get yourself a much-needed Spring pick-me-up!

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